By: mila
Thoughts On Fear From Our CEO
Fear is normal, but if you allow it to overtake you, it will crush you.
I am often asked, how did you get to where you are – first, I’m nowhere near where I want to be and I’ve walked through SO MUCH FEAR – more on that in a minute. For most people I talk to, fear comes in these forms:
1. Fear of what others might think (Parents, friends, family, colleagues and even strangers)
2. Fear of failure – this is a big one
3. Fear of looking stupid
4. Fear of what others might ‘say’ – different than think. Some people are just mean and enjoy gossiping and create fear in others.
5. Fear of hurting someone’s feelings for not doing things the way they think the other person wants it done – a lot of that is familial
6. Fear of not being ‘seen’ as successful
I had a bit of each of these fears years back, but then something happened and my ‘fear’ was right in front of me. People thought things about me that were tough, but not my fault – and I either had to succumb to the fear or rise. I chose to live my God-given purpose, fight for what I knew was right for me and to be the person who God made me to be. I chose not to listen to naysayers, and follow the path I knew was right. Other people talked, many gossiped and others doubted. Now, almost 11 years later, those same people are asking me ‘how’ I got to where I am today.
1. I know who I am in the Lord. Can’t be fearful because I know I was created for a purpose – I’m more afraid of getting to heaven and finding out I didn’t live it, than I am of living it and having people talk.
2. I know I have a gifting – because we all do. I’m more afraid of not using the gifting I have been given.
3. I know that other people’s opinions can be incredibly hurtful, but if I stay in prayer, follow the path that the Lord has laid out for me – HE will handle the other naysayers and lies.
I am passionate about Personal Brand because your brand is WHO you are. If you know WHO you are and live without fear, there is no room for fear. I know my truth and have my brand filter words in front of me daily – I know the filter with which I am making them. When the naysayer comes, it doesn’t create fear or anger, it fortifies me.