
You must know WHY.

A brand exists only in the minds of consumers. You need to be intentional about sharing the right messages and creating loyalty to your brand. Rebranding is more than an aesthetic change – more than colors, logos and design. It begins with the heart of the company – your mission, vision and values. Are they current? Do they act as a filter for all that you do? A rebrand begins with a brand audit, evaluates the current state of the brand and then depending on the results, begins a rebrand or brand refresh.

Most companies mistakenly create beautiful looking logos and designs that mean nothing to the brand. Brand breathes life into the website, slogan, logo and the people.

Brand drives everything. Really. Everything.

Core values, vision, mission, marketing, advertising, colors, messages, logos, slogans, website design, font choice, communication (Between departments, individuals, non-verbal and to customers), strategy, purpose, the corporate or personal ‘why’ statement, brand storytelling strategy and differentiation within the markets.

When a company wants to embark on a rebrand, they must first decide to review current foundational elements and then choose how to integrate current strategies into a rebrand.

At MODA, brand is our purpose

We exist to transform lives of individual clients. Ignite engagement within companies. Excite customers. Power Growth. Increase value.
