ZOOM. How do you build Personal Brand and relationships over a computer? IT IS HARD. This is a great read from @forbes found at link in our bio. Regardless of COVID, it’s great to know the tips and tricks to video conferencing well. What I would add to this video is that you should be […]
Contentious moment? Unexpected conflict? What do you do? STAY CALM. Life is full of hard moments. Unexpected conflict. How do you succeed? There are moments to fight and moments you need to have more grace than you even knew you had. There are always opportunities to discuss the conflict later, and to talk through the […]
Perspective… This is big. After years of working with employee groups, training, coaching individuals, and being around some of the most successful people in several industries – I have realized that two things are always the same…Having a purpose driven life – a purpose that you know, live by, and use a filter daily. The […]
Brand strength. You have to have it in order for people to listen/hear/respect/follow what you’re saying. It always makes me feel bad for the person who wants to argue with someone on their personal platform, mainly Facebook, but they haven’t stayed in touch or commented on anything that person has posted in a LONG time. […]
Authenticity. A word I have used for myself this year – and one I chose before 2020 started. I preach that all brands should be authentic – personal and corporate/firm/company. I realized years ago that ones Personal Brand wasn’t a fake story – it was truly WHO people were. My goal was to grow that […]
There are so many times we have an elephant in the room, but nobody is willing to talk about it. It is so important to be self aware of what is going on around you, and emotionally intelligent about how you, and others, are feeling in every situation. Sometimes it is best to deal with […]
WHY? He muscle of self-aware wasn’t built. Clients called to ask him for advice, but before they could finish their questions he was already talking. They know how smart he is, they know what school he attended and cases he had won…but he didn’t LISTEN. Something so simple can be a game changer and a […]
In honor of @dollyparton , we are posting about pics on LinkedIn. For those who may not know, MODA began helping people build Personal Brand and also did image consulting for 1000’s of executives – we STILL do this and love helping people to be their best! Part of building personal brand is helping people […]
INDIVIDUALS AND COMPANIES Emotional Intelligence and artificial intelligence – these two pieces are the MOST important for 2020. Why? If you don’t have and GROW your EI, your chances of success skyrocket. In 1995, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman published a book introducing most of the world to the nascent concept of emotional intelligence. […]
Every leader should see people for who they can be. Leaders are supposed to find the gifts of those they lead, build the gifts of those they lead and help them to become the best they were created to be. If you are a leader by position and you’re not interested in building those you […]