Employee Training

Invest in people. Immediate results.

Core value training | Leadership | Marketing | Social media strategy | Sales | Image | Fashion | Internal and external communication | Non-verbal communication | Emotional intelligence | Brand storytelling |’Why’ exercises | Professional etiquette | Executive presence | Image | Culture Fusion |

Each program, training session, personal coaching session or training series is specifically designed for our clients and differs in tone, delivery, exercises, subject matter and goals.

Personal Brand Training

This is always the most popular session – we can include a variety of topics under the umbrella of personal brand. The Personal and Professional Brand of each employee from the CEO all the way down must reflect the company they work with, as well as their personal character and how it is mirrored at work and away from work. Developing and knowing a Personal Brand is essential to one’s growth as a leader and maturity as a human being. Each employee is a living breathing part of the very products or services a company sells. In the case of building a Personal Brand, our belief that ‘Brand Drives Everything’ is not only true, but essential. MODA begins all our training with brand as the leading driver ensuring each attendee has complete buy-in.

Corporate Brand Training

People define brand attributes and values differently. Highly successful companies know that the most influential brand touch points are the people responsible for delivering the entire brand experience within and outside of the company. Being able to clearly define the company brand helps all employees to communicate one message consistently, to better understand their role within the company, and how they play a vitally important part in the overall success of the business. To achieve consistency at all communication levels, employees must know what the brand expects of them. When you have emotional engagement with your brand, your employees make it personal, and they become your brand ambassadors with everyone! They share a unique, consistent message about the company and its differentiators. (And the company wins BIG!)

Our goal is to use the vision, mission or values as a filter for all training – what does excellence, integrity and innovation look and feel for your company?

When core values are aligned, there is increased communication, loyalty, unity and a feeling that everyone matters and has great value. People work harder when an emotional connection is positive, and they get buy-in from clients better than any of your competition could. If your core values are not known and lived, your company and your employees will be lost in an ever-growing crowded marketplace…and you lose. People work harder for something they believe in and believes in them – and don’t jump ship to your competitors. You become a light in a dark room – people, employees and clients, are attracted to your brand versus wondering what it is

Brand Leadership Training

Every company either dies or succeeds because of its leadership and their ability to communicate and maintain company brand. We help our clients identify areas where they need to focus their energies when it comes to leadership and its capabilities within an organization. We help identify what training can shape a current leader or determine the best future leaders to bring on board. Leaders are developed, and they never stop developing and growing.

At MODA, brand is our purpose

We exist to transform lives of individual clients. Ignite engagement within companies. Excite customers. Power Growth. Increase value.
