Strong brands are intentional about how they share their stories.

How do you network? Tired of elevator speeches that don’t connect? Are you being heard in your company or community? Are you being recognized for your gifts and talent? Are you connecting with people or lost in the crowd?
Tell a story – don’t make statements. We call these your brand stories – your own life experiences woven into conversations in person or online that build your value and brand. We take your greatest tragedies and accomplishments and help to mold stories around them to give your audience glimpses into who you are, your value and why they should work with you.

Whether sharing in-person or online, working on your storytelling ability allows you to network quickly and efficiently. You are a unique individual with stories that nobody else has, but you may not have grown the storytelling muscle. Storytelling engages an audience, creates visibility and connection, engages those around you and elevates your brand in a way that facts and data alone can’t do.

When a brand shares a story the right way, it creates an emotional connection increasing brand loyalty and profits.

If your company is looking for ‘sales’ training, this is where we begin that process. We don’t often use the word sales in our training, we provide ways to ‘share value’ through stories and connection. People want to do business with people, not companies, and they tend to trust more people whose values they can relate to.

Strong brands, like influential leaders, are built

they don’t simply happen.
