FORGET THE NAYSAYER. There are people who will try to stop you from sharing your story. Ever heard this – WHY DO YOU POST SO MUCH ON SOCIAL MEDIA? DO YOU REALLY NEED TO SHARE ON LINKEDIN? WHY DO YOU PUT PICTURES UP ON INSTAGRAM? How about this – have you heard these? Just work […]
You’ve been here a while – your company has an established brand. Or does it? Twenty-three percent of U.S. employees strongly agree they can apply their organization’s values to their work every day, according to Gallup, and only 27% strongly agree that they “believe in” their organization’s values. Sixty-one percent of new employees receive no education on […]
This is so true. Being an entrepreneur is such an incredibly hard, yet gratifying, choice. I have been an entrepreneur for almost 2 decades and it doesn’t get any easier – but it is incredible to watch all that has been built through hard work, dedication, grit, and knowing your WHY. Top tips below. 1. […]
The FIRST place I look before a company even hires MODA to do a marketing review/update/training is a LinkedIn profile…anyone in marketing should not only be up-to-date, but leading the way. BASICS: 1. Don’t have a cover and profile photo? Red flag 2. Updated Bio: Professional with a bit of personal – keywords naturally included? […]
KIDS. KINDNESS. YOUR LEGACY. As I coach execs, we often talk about kids. Here is what I have learned – no matter how much money you make, the designer clothes you wear, the cars you buy, the title of your position, how well decorated your house is, or how many ‘cute’ pictures you put up […]
ZOOM. How do you build Personal Brand and relationships over a computer? IT IS HARD. This is a great read from @forbes found at link in our bio. Regardless of COVID, it’s great to know the tips and tricks to video conferencing well. What I would add to this video is that you should be […]
This is a continuation of the SHOULD people listen to you post! How do you build brand so that people listen when you speak. 1. Build brand. -Share stories -Post on social media (@linkedin specifically) 2. Strengthen emotional intelligence. -Don’t yell on social and expect anyone to follow you 3. Do a brand audit for […]
Today, leaders all over the world, people in offices, families at home, are talking about the election. More importantly, they are talking about what they believe is the best candidate, WHY he is the best candidate, and sharing examples of what they have or have not done. Others are angry – yelling in person, yelling […]
If you want to strengthen your personal or company brand, create connection in an unconnected world, recruit, share your value, build reputation, and compete – social media isn’t an option. Yes, I have seen Social Dilemma…all the more reason for you to control your narrative versus allowing others to think one thing or another. Company […]
Is your marketing up to par? MARKETERS. You should always keep growing. What are you doing to keep up with the trends? Marketing and Leadership – Know why you should encourage and help your employees to grow personal brand. THE EMPLOYEE BRAND CAN BUILD COMPANY BRAND. In fact, it should be a major strategy. Online […]