You will fail your way to success.
8 out of 10 millionaires have been financially bankrupt – THINK ABOUT THAT.
So many of my mentors are on this video – Tony Robbins, Ray Dalio, Rick Warren, Jeff Bezos Gary Vaynerchuk, and MORE. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve failed. If you don’t fail, you’re not trying. I ask my daughter weekly what she failed at or didn’t get what she wanted – if she has nothing, we talk about TRYING and FAILING. I want her to know that failing is the path to success…the actual stepping stones. I’m not a fan of playing it safe at all…I used to be someone who ‘played it safe.’ Then I went through something, a huge trial in life, and I was thrown so far out of my comfort zone that I couldn’t play it safe anymore. I HAD TO SUCCEED. I knew playing it safe would get me nowhere. The most likely outcome was failure, but it was still worth doing. Fortunately, after every defeat, I rose again. HOW?
So many people ask me how – how did I get up? I KNOW WHO I AM. I KNOW THE LORD I SERVE and I know my WHY. My brand is WHO I AM on my BEST DAY. THIS is why branding is so important – so on the days you are failing, you know who you are and the strength of that lifts you right back up again. Know your personal brand – BUILD IT – live it and fail your way to success.
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SEO Company
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂