DOUBLE, NO, TRIPLE DOWN, ON COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA. There are companies and individuals who have prepared for this moment – they have the platforms set-up and a good schedule of posts. For you, this is simply a shift in content. There are other companies and individuals who don’t have the platforms to begin with, […]
BUILDING BRAND IN AN ECONOMIC STORM. Trials come. We are going to give a ton of advice over the next several weeks more than ever in order for you to thrive and prepare yourself when this storm passes. Strong brands with solid foundations are ready for the bottom to fall out, why? Brand, values, training, […]
You may think it’s the time to stop communicating with your employees and your community because you aren’t sure about where you’re going – but that is the wrong decision to make. During times of crisis people want more communication even if you don’t know what the end may be. Now is the time for […]
WHY EXECUTIVES AT ALL LEVELS HIRE COACHES “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” – @coachwooden DO YOUR BEST TO BECOME YOUR BEST. John Wooden – one of the all-time GOATS shared a great quote. Are you doing your best to BE your […]
Every great athlete has a coach. Why wouldn’t you? We work with executives at all levels helping them to build brand, create awareness, learn emotional intelligence, share their value through storytelling, communicate verbally and non verbally and SO MUCH MORE. There are so many incredibly talented, brilliant, driven people who are either in the wrong […]
In honor of @dollyparton , we are posting about pics on LinkedIn. For those who may not know, MODA began helping people build Personal Brand and also did image consulting for 1000’s of executives – we STILL do this and love helping people to be their best! Part of building personal brand is helping people […]
8 out of 10 millionaires have been financially bankrupt – THINK ABOUT THAT. So many of my mentors are on this video – Tony Robbins, Ray Dalio, Rick Warren, Jeff Bezos Gary Vaynerchuk, and MORE. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve failed. If you don’t fail, you’re not trying. I ask my daughter […]
Stalled in your career? You might be and you don’t know it… I constantly meet people who DON’T continue to grow and provide 2000 reasons why they don’t have time. In particular if you are a marketer/communications/PR or simply, BRAND, and you don’t have time to read – you are NOT an expert. If […]
3 steps to recovery 👇👇👇 1. Admit your failure, take responsibility 2. Make right what you can make right. Do all you can fix your error. Only saying I am sorry is never enough. 3. Start rebranding yourself today. Eradicate any actions or area of your life that say you are anything other than authentic, […]
Brand is not a LOGO, or a WEBSITE – brand drives everything. Want to win in 2020? Do a brand audit. What do people really think about you? How is your marketing being perceived? Is it working? Are you marketing for the current year? Are you ready for the next phase of marketing into the […]