Had a great time as a guest with SCORE On Business on @newschannel5 . Always love discussing all things personal brand and image. Send to a friend who could gain from watching! PART ONE PART TWO PART THREE #modaimageandbrandconsulting #newschannel5nashville #nashvillebusiness #scoreonbusiness #nashvilleconsultant #nashvilleleaders #keynotespeakers #nashvillekeynote #personalbrand #brandcoach #brandhelp #buildbrand #executivecoach #leadershipcoach #nashvilletn #brandexample […]
In a crisis; EXPERIENCE counts. During a business crisis, a lot of people want to help – very few are qualified to help. The recent crisis is affecting people globally, and so many in business. What is the most important criteria for offering and taking advice? DO YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE THAT’S BEEN TESTED – AND […]
YOU can catch-up and GROW right now amidst the crisis. YOU’RE INVITED TO ONE OF OUR LIVE WEBINARS! Navigating during the crisis and its aftermath…If your Brand is prepared, then you and your businesses are prepared. These webinars are lifeblood for you and your business. Check them out here! IS YOUR BRAND PREPARED? New, and […]
The CEO of Walmart used a cell phone to record a message for his employees that was used in a national ad campaign…and somehow, you shouldn’t do the same thing? People want to SEE, visually SEE, leadership ALL the time, but especially in times of crisis. 82% of consumers say they are more likely to […]
DOUBLE, NO, TRIPLE DOWN, ON COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA. There are companies and individuals who have prepared for this moment – they have the platforms set-up and a good schedule of posts. For you, this is simply a shift in content. There are other companies and individuals who don’t have the platforms to begin with, […]
IN A CRISIS BE PROACTIVE Crisis Always Comes – this is why BRAND building shouldn’t ever stop. During good and bad times, brand building needs to be the goal – so when the downturn comes, you’re brand is strong, your people know WHO you are, they are CONFIDENT in your ability and you will make […]
BUILDING BRAND IN AN ECONOMIC STORM. Trials come. We are going to give a ton of advice over the next several weeks more than ever in order for you to thrive and prepare yourself when this storm passes. Strong brands with solid foundations are ready for the bottom to fall out, why? Brand, values, training, […]
You may think it’s the time to stop communicating with your employees and your community because you aren’t sure about where you’re going – but that is the wrong decision to make. During times of crisis people want more communication even if you don’t know what the end may be. Now is the time for […]
WHY EXECUTIVES AT ALL LEVELS HIRE COACHES “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” – @coachwooden DO YOUR BEST TO BECOME YOUR BEST. John Wooden – one of the all-time GOATS shared a great quote. Are you doing your best to BE your […]
WHY? He muscle of self-aware wasn’t built. Clients called to ask him for advice, but before they could finish their questions he was already talking. They know how smart he is, they know what school he attended and cases he had won…but he didn’t LISTEN. Something so simple can be a game changer and a […]