Stalled in your career? You might be and you don’t know it… I constantly meet people who DON’T continue to grow and provide 2000 reasons why they don’t have time. In particular if you are a marketer/communications/PR or simply, BRAND, and you don’t have time to read – you are NOT an expert. If […]
3 steps to recovery 👇👇👇 1. Admit your failure, take responsibility 2. Make right what you can make right. Do all you can fix your error. Only saying I am sorry is never enough. 3. Start rebranding yourself today. Eradicate any actions or area of your life that say you are anything other than authentic, […]
Growing, knowing WHO you are and WHY you were created = Authentic Personal Brand. Keep growing, keep making mistakes, keep moving. If you have a faith, pray for guidance. Personal brands are built from development and developing isn’t often easy – typically your greatest growth moments are in the middle of the largest storms. However […]