By: mila
If I had a nickel for every executive I meet who deserves more opportunity, deserves a promotion either financially or by title, deserves to lead a special project but DOESN’T GET THAT OPPORTUNITY because they haven’t shared their value…I’d be a billionaire.
It KILLS me when people don’t get opportunities they deserve because they aren’t intentional about building their brands.
1. Know your brand attributes. The words people think about when they SEE you, HEAR you, or READ something you have written.
2. Develop the authentic stories to share your value. What experience do you have? Why should you listen to you? Are you more passionate? Do you care more? Why do you care more? Why do you do what you do?
3. Share your stories with your colleagues, friends, and on social media platforms. Offer value on social – give tips. Offer experiential advice. Encourage people. ENGAGE – it’s called SOCIAL media for a reason.
You don’t think LinkedIn is important? YIKES. Reconsider.
We want to help you. Listen to the stories – ask us questions. I HATE when people who have a gift aren’t where they should or want to be because of simple things like sharing a story, having executive presence, leadership hits and so on…
You have a gift nobody else in the world has – know what it is, build It, and SHARE IT so people who need you can find you.