By: mila
Self Awareness Is Crucial
There are so many times we have an elephant in the room, but nobody is willing to talk about it.
It is so important to be self aware of what is going on around you, and emotionally intelligent about how you, and others, are feeling in every situation.
Sometimes it is best to deal with the elephant in the room head-on, and to start with that. Other times, it is important to talk about the elephant in the room prior to even getting into the room or separately with someone who is having issues. Either way, the person who is self-aware enough to call out the elephant in the room with diplomacy, empathy, and at times compassion, always wins. Leaving the elephant to stand there in the room and stare at everybody is never the answer.
Leaders always find a way for transparency and truth with grace. Leadership is tough, and that’s why not everybody is a leader.
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