Older, Wiser and Employable
During the last several months I have enjoyed working with different groups across the U.S. helping people to restart their careers, find new career paths and prepare for job changes and interviews. I have seen one common thought of despair in the rooms filled with people who are recently out of work or laid off by downsizing companies. I usually hear from men and women alike that they are older, feel unemployable and not as competitive as they used to be.
Personally, as a younger executive, business owner, speaker and entrepreneur, I have found that my greatest help has not come from someone that knows how to Google or text with both thumbs at lightning speed while altering their Facebook account. My greatest source of information is from the established business men and women that I have surrounded myself with. There is so much power in WISDOM. Wisdom comes from God and from experience in life.
Wisdom is the true diamond of any business. It has been formed by extreme pressures, tough conditions and immense heat. Where did this false thought originate that says old age is a negative for business? How is it that today’s young executives and business owners believe a person’s older age is a deterrence to job performance? I am so tired of hearing the arrogance of youth speak out and say “that someone was just out of touch with technology,” or “they could not grasp the social media context of today’s business,” or “that their time has come and gone, and we need some young minds in here.” Social media and technology can be learned experience is only gained through the hills and valleys of life.
Mature and weathered business men and women have so much more to offer. They have experience, they have lived life, they have been through multiple storms and they have developed core values that many of us younger people need to learn. We all need some new training at times, but we can’t teach TIME. Some things have to be learned and experienced before they really have meaning in our lives, and many of today’s older people have lived lives that warrant their experience in any business. It is one thing to look at a fire and say, “Boy it looks hot in there,” verses someone who has been through the fire who can say, “No, IT IS HOT IN THERE and here is how you get out.”
I am a brand and image expert, and I understand the value of input from every area of a business, from all demographics in a customer base and most of all from people who are wise beyond their years. If you are older, looking for a job, and have the fear that you are outdated, remember this – The best wine takes time, diamonds do not form overnight, treasures are worth digging for and real wealth is accumulated not just created.
You have a strong BRAND because it was created over time and it has a solid foundation. We may need to remodel the house, we may need to do a touch up here or there, we may need to polish the diamond to make it shine, but we do not need to hide you away. America is at a business and moral cross road, and we need our older, wiser men and women pouring insight into our current and future leaders. Age is not a negative, it is a plus. A resume with some age on it is a resume that has a story. The incredible technological advancements have made it possible for our brands to be viewed by the entire world, and that type of responsibility demands wisdom, experience and counsel. Why wouldn’t we turn to those who have had the greatest experience to guide us?
What does wisdom look like and how does it reflect itself in the image of a person? That is one of the most important questions of one who is older must ask themselves as they re-establish a ‘Personal and Professional Brand.’ I can assure you that the computer is not your brand, the smart phone is not your brand, Google is not your brand, nor is any social media site. These are all tools for showing your wisdom and a means for sharing your brand with a world that needs your input. If you need help in putting some polish on your wisdom, your diamond of value, then please enjoy my site, read our comments and call me if I can help. There is a famous commercial slogan that used to say, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” I agree with that more today than I did in the past. Thank God for older wiser people who can help us all succeed in life. Turn your wisdom into a visual and verbal statement and help someone or some business grow and become a success.
I would love to help you. Please contact me with any questions about our services.
MODA Image Consulting and USA TODAY
Click here to read the article featured in USA TODAY. Mila Grigg quoted in a column about Personal Brand, Fashion and Image in the courtroom. Understanding your ‘Personal and Professional Brand®’ is the only thing that saves you from making mistakes at work.
Mila Grigg interviewed by News Channel 5 in reaction to Judge’s letter on fashion and image. Look for News Channel 5 segment and the WEB EXTRA: How to dress professionally tips. Click on link here.
Photo courtesy www.istockphoto.com
Image | Brand | Fashion
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