MODA: There is no Elevator to Success
Have you ever commented to someone about another person’s success and heard the reply, It happened overnight for them.’ One of the myths behind success stories is that we believe people, or even companies, become successes overnight when that could not be further from the truth. There is no elevator to success. True success is built one floor at a time and it takes work, lots of work. Then add in some planning and push all that together when opportunity comes along and you will have a success.
The actual success story began long ago when the planning was taking place, when the person was forming their Personal and Professional Brand. We have all heard the Garth Brooks stories of how he defined himself before the music made him famous. He knew who he was, what he was going to sing and just how he would sing it. Long nights, and a lot of no’s eventually gave way to The Dance and a superstar was born. The actual birth took place years and years before the song broke the charts.
In my corporate seminars I am always asked about the success of my business and I tell them the foundation was formed years and years ago and it has been forged and tested through immense trials and testing. Building a great company or a killer career takes time, hard work and a desire to be excellent in all you do. The party boys and girls rarely make it past their party days when they realize they have created a Personal Brand that is killing their career today. The same is true for a business that lacks ethics or a company that seeks the easy road of compromise rather than the road less traveled. I enjoy the quote from Mark Cuban below taken from his interview in Entrepreneur Magazine, a man known for his Brand and hardnosed, but fun approach to success.
“Entrepreneur: What’s key to being successful as a technology entrepreneur?
Cuban: Busting your ass. It’s not about money or connections — it’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone when it comes to your business. And if it fails, you learn from what happened and do a better job next time.
Cuban: Busting your ass. It’s not about money or connections — it’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone when it comes to your business. And if it fails, you learn from what happened and do a better job next time.
As I say in my book, “it doesn’t matter how many times you fail. You only have to be right once and then everyone can tell you that you are an overnight success.”
You start one step, one floor at a time. You work harder, longer, smarter and you learn all you can and then after years and years, success finds its way to your door. Someone will say the same thing about you it happened overnight for them. They will assume you caught the elevator to success, but you will know that there is no such free ride.
So start now, build a great brand and invest in your future so that when that mythical elevator comes around, you can jump on board.
MODA can help you to build your Personal Brand. MODA can help your company to first discern, and then communicate a strong brand message. We can train your employees to communicate and breathe the Corporate Brand into all that they do. Let us do a brand review with you and take the next step in your own success. Please review our site, We work with companies of all sizes, individuals, schools and associations globally in Brand, Image and Fashion.
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Office: (615) 656.4279
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