Look Great, Be Great, Do Great
Look Great, Be Great, Do Great
Over the last few years I have been asked to write about image, fashion, style, and most of all Brand. I want to share the secrets of being all one can be and I am often told that my blogs offer too much information. From the temporal perspective I agree, I have seen my quotes on other sites without proper recognition, I have seen my seminars copied by people who are less than qualified to teach them and I have seen my website rewritten by others who want to make money off of other people without really helping them succeed in life. So I decided to share the differences between writing an article, sharing a story and living a life, when it comes to Image, Fashion and Brand. I am humbled by the opportunity to share with everyone, and anyone can copy my ideas and programs, but it takes the real thing to turn them into reality. I hope to continue to share what God has allowed me to learn and experience with anyone who can read my blogs, visit my site or attend one of my seminars or special retail events. I hope this blog inspires you to reach out of your comfort zone to help others and to, Do Great!
We can all read an article in a magazine or the newspaper, even watch a special on fashion on TV or the Internet and learn how to “Look Great.” We have numerous options and opinions when it comes to LOOKING GREAT, and we all can find something in our price range that may be an improvement on the “Look” we present. I have seen women and men who look like they just stepped out of a magazine and on the outside: They Look Great. I have spoken to companies that have exotic offices and astronomical advertising budgets and they too LOOK GREAT. In the end, looking great is not enough. There is something more.
There are websites, books, people and seminars that can help you to be great in the eyes of the world. You know the line, ‘BE ALL YOU CAN BE.’ We are often told to read a certain book in order to be the richest person in the world, or run your company like this or that and your business will be the best business in the world. Let me share from life experience that the value of life is not determined by how MUCH you have. I have met truly wealthy people with toys all over the place who are looking great, seem to be doing great, but inside they are miserable. Being great begins with learning and getting smarter. It comes from growing mentally and emotionally.
You can have great potential and you can look great. I know of great companies that have amazing ideas and products. They, like these great’ people, are out and about in the community, providing a service and making a profit – but still the soul of the person or the business is shallow. Their mark in the community is self-serving, and the legacy they leave behind dies off as soon as the latest gadget is sold or the fashion and fads change. Taking step one, LOOKING GREAT and step two BEING GREAT are good steps to take but this final action is the one that creates a lasting and positive “BRAND.” A legacy and Image that brings everything to a focal point and makes people say WOW. This is the step where businesses grow and generations benefit from your or the companies existence.
Doing great is where the rubber meets the road. It is where “The Fruit of Your Life” tastes sweetest to the community you live in and for businesses, the clients they serve. The key is to DO GREAT, and that means an action. We have people in Washington DC who Look Great, they may even Be Great, but are they doing great? What about your business, or your life in front of our family and peers? DO GREAT starts with humility, a clear understanding that you may LOOK GREAT and even BE GREAT, but no matter what you wear or what you know, you or a business must understand that you are created for a purpose that is greater than YOU.
For a business that means an understanding of thinking long-term, and building something that changes the world and doesn’t just sell to it. It means being profitable without destroying the environment or taking advantage of someone else.
It does not mean you always feed a person but you actually teach them to feed themselves. DO GREAT means sacrifice. We all want to Look Great , Be Great, and DO Great, but do we have to sacrifice to achieve it? That is something we just don’t like to hear. Great parents sacrifice, great companies sacrifice and great leaders sacrifice. Being a servant is what it means to DO GREAT, it is understanding that the world is not here for YOU but you are here for the WORLD. Serve your family, Serve your peers, Serve your clients and in business serve the shareholder and increase their long term value in your business. Many of our top schools are failing to teach people to serve, and we wonder why ethics are not making it into the business community. Real ethics begin with sacrifice. How many people would take a class, or attend a seminar where the title is “Learn How to Sacrifice for the World?” We need to start learning that at home, at school and in business; the winner is the one who helps the most, not the one who HAS THE MOST.
This is where Brand is a statement, this is where Looking Great (magazines and fashionistas) and Being Great (super strength or intellect), and Doing Great (action, humility and serving others) comes together to make a visual image that is supported by ones actions. This is what a Brand Consultant and Image Consultant understands and shares. Ask yourself, are you the real thing? Do your actions match your image? Does your image communicate the truth about who you really are?
It is not easy to establish a deep and lasting Brand. It takes a commitment, a willingness to learn and action. The greatest diamonds become real jewels once they are under the cuts of a chisel. A nail can’t accomplish its purpose unless it is struck by a hammer. The same is true for Brand.
Schools can influence our young people, businesses can seek to serve a greater good and make a profit and individuals can LOOK GREAT, BE GREAT and DO GREAT and change the world. I want to help you and your businesses take a “Look,” and turn it into a “Brand.” I hope that this Blog helps you see the difference. Enjoy the magazines, dream and expand your mind, and then act on what you see and what you learn. Let your Brand say it all!!!
Image | Brand | Fashion
info@modaimageconsulting.com | www.ModaImageConsulting.com
Direct: (615) 218.6831 | Office: (615) 567.6969
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