Ladies: Which Queen are You?
Ladies: Which Queen Are You?
I do not know about you, but I love the idea of a prince, a dragon and a beautiful princess who becomes a queen after she is discovered by her prince. The problems usually begin once a woman becomes the queen. There are two types of Queens and both of them are beautiful.
We have all seen the good queen. She is gracious, accommodating, independent and full of joy. She is the queen where all the paths lead to her castle because she entertains everyone who has a need. She looks in the mirror and produces an inner radiance that even makes the mirror smile. She never gets caught looking at herself, but rather reviewing how she looks so that she can look her best. You know this queen, she is sweet and real. She cries when tears are needed, she is strong when the battles of life come and she is the best, best friend. She is not the gossip and she never forgets where she came from. She loves the peasant and the royalty of the court. She is a hugger and doesn’t mind getting dirty if she needs to get in the mud. She values her time but never puts her VALUE over your time. She is not powerful because she has all the gold and power; she is powerful because she inspires greatness and helps others reach their potential. She sees herself for who she really is, just a woman who has been blessed by God, who loves others and she still loves a prince who will hold a door, slay a dragon or fix a meal while watching the kids when she is having a Queenly Night Out.
Then there is the other Queen. You know the one from Sleeping Beauty. She is gorgeous and everyone can say WOW, she is a LOOKER. Her fashion is perfect and her house is pristine, but her blood runs cold and her cold heart seems to absorb the light all around her. She is no Mother Teresa but she can tell you who Mother Teresa is because she knows everything. She defines herself by a job, a car and a particular economic advantage. She rarely mixes with the peasants and she has forgotten where she came from. She will tell you that her time is so precious and you must be flexible to her schedule. She loves a prince, but only one that she can control, and as far as dragons go – the last one that captured her set her free because he could not stop her from talking. Her wisdom is of the world and she wants silver more than she wants real friends. She is beautiful to watch but her beauty quickly fades as the conversation continues. When the meal is over, you know who she knows, you know where she lives, you know what she drives, and you know what she thinks – the problem is she does not remember who you are and she can’t recall what you need. When she sees you at the next event she will not look your way nor will she remember your face.
I have found that every queen wants the same thing. They want to be cherished for who they are when the outside is dimming, they want to be fought for when other princes try to steal them away, and they want loyalty over wealth and TRUE LOVE over privilege. Why then does one queen turn dark and another blossom? It all begins with the heart. Closed hearts get cold and darken and open hearts only expand as more love flows in than can ever flow out.
Have you asked yourself – Which Queen are you? Does light radiate from you? Do you build others up, or do you pull them down? These are questions that we all should ask ourselves, because no matter what kind of Queen you are today, you can change tomorrow. That is the beauty of each new day. Ladies: your kingdom lies before you as the sun rises, what kind of Queen will you be?
Thank you for allowing me to share and I love helping women create change in their lives that makes them feel like the QUEEN God has made them to be. I hope I can help you turn your Image into a statement that shows the world and perhaps your prince, that you are the GOOD QUEEN.
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