How Do You Share Your Value? | VIDEO
Have you ever been passed up for an opportunity?
Do you want to be seen for the value you have?
…and do it in-person and on-line. How do you do that?
1. Know how you want people to perceive and describe you when they SEE you, HEAR you or READ something you have written.
2. Choose adjectives that are authentic to who you are. These become your filter for all decisions.
3. You need to self-check at least once a quarter – ask people you work with, family members etc. People who are willing to tell you the truth. Are you a good leader? Do you speak well? How do you make staff and colleagues FEEL? Be willing to hear horrible answers and even more willing to change.
You must ask – how do I make people feel?
If you don’t know and simply assume, you may walk into a trap. I can’t tell you how many executives THINK people like them, respect them and are following them but they are simply positional leaders. Those are leaders who have a title but haven’t earned the respect of those they lead.4. Use social media to build your brand – use LinkedIn to co-brand with other strong brands, share your story and your value. If you don’t share who you are, nobody is going to waste time TRYING to get to know you. Be social on social media – engage in your network.We want to help.