Generations of fashion and MALE LEADERSHIP…
MEN AND THEIR CLOTHES. I always chuckle a bit when I hear men talk about all of the clothes their wives have or the size of the closets of their sisters, daughters etc…SOMETIMES, MEN ACT LIKE CLOTHING IS JUST “not important to them.” This argument quickly falls apart when we attend our favorite sporting events and we see men and boys wearing favorite team jerseys, painting their bodies and spending large amounts of money to make certain they match the uniforms of favorite drivers or players. Obviously, it is built into the male experience to model some of their stars and men who have the abilities or qualities that each man can relate to – or in many cases, dream to obtain.
Well let me share that there are some other fans out there that are looking for those same inspiring visions from you, the dads and brothers or young boys who are forming the mental pictures of what a hero should look like. Men, today you need to understand that people are looking at your uniform, your fashion and style and they want to model the emotions that your fashion telecasts to the viewing world.
How do you dress? What is your uniform saying to your sons, brothers, friends and potential protégés?
You are the role model for the people you love and even people who you rarely see or know. When you take the time to make certain that your appearance is clean, strong, matching and pressed, you are sending out a message that says “I care about how I look and I want to be the best I can be.” It doesn’t matter if your uniform is a pair of casual pants and a t-shirt, a suit with ties and dress shoes, a baker’s uniform or matching pants and shirts that designate you to a particular task or company. You can always look great. Your clothes can fit, they can be pressed and neat, they can be clean and they can match. When you wear clothes that drag off your tail, or tell people it’s just clothing I do not care, or attend the summer picnics and nothing goes together, you are telling the people you believe, “How the world sees you is not important.”
You are building a legacy or modeling that will affect everyone that looks up to you. Today’s rebellious baggy pants or let me show you my underwear dress codes do not say independence or intelligence or even that you are part of the hip crowd. What poor fashion says is “No one taught me how to dress correctly, I do not care what the system wants and I am a rebel, or I do not respect you so you must look at my butt as I walk away from you.” Fashion is about making a statement, and may I tell you: it’s about making the right statement. Your sons, daughters and friends are looking at you and how you dress and deciding if they TOO can be a part of your team. Tell me, do you think about the role model you are? Do you understand that you are important to the future of the males and younger females in your life? You see, today’s males are looking for leaders; they want someone to stand out and say, “Follow me, and let me help you navigate the challenges of this world.” Men, time to step up and understand that your fashion does effect generations. Take the time to look your best and be a role model that others can look up too. It’s not just clothing, it’s not about conforming to the standards of the world but rather about establishing standards that help you and your children and friends stand out in the world!
I hope I can help you create a winning look and make your fashion the uniform of choice for your sons, brothers, daughters, colleagues and even strangers. This world is yearning for leaders, and that leader can be YOU!
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