EVERYONE has a Personal Brand…EVERYONE.
“But I Am”
Everyone, and I mean everyone, has a Personal Brand. I provided and individual client one of our ‘Personal Brand’ questionnaires, and she gave it back to me and told me she did not need to complete it as she did not work in the business community.
She has a message that she sends, no matter what she does. She replied that she was just a mom, and those words stung me as I desperately want men and women to understand that they are so much more than a position. You are more than your work and you are not defined by your position!
I often hear the words, I am…just a mother, single mom, divorced, old, alone, unemployed, retired or even the worst term, I just feel ugly or unworthy.’ You see, a Personal Brand is not based on an occupation or income, it is not based on What you DO, but rather who you are and what you want to be recognized for. What are your unique gifts that differentiate you from all those around you?
We must understand that the most amazing dress, the ultimate designer outfit or the latest style cannot really have true meaning if the mind underneath the clothing is screaming, if it hurts, if it is filled with cynicism, anger, hatred, false pride, fear or indifference. Truly, anyone can hire a stylist to make you good on the outside, to cover up what is really happening on the inside. The problem is that when you get home and take off the covering, the inside is still there and the outside may not begin to communicate who you really are. We want to help our individual clients rediscover themselves, the beauty of life and to turn trials, tribulations and disappointments into a new VISUAL STATEMENT that says, joy, opportunity, and hope. If you are already secure in your own skin, then I applaud you and we can work together to bring added value to your Image, to build on the solid foundation you have and make your Personal Brand stand out in order to be an encouragement to those around you who have not yet reached your level. I must be honest with you, I have found very few women who did not battle particular insecurities that their past or the world around them has planted deep within the depths of their hearts.
No one should start their description of themselves with the words, “But I Am”…but rather with “Here I am.” There are times when all we need is some help with the right outfit, and you can get a personal shopper for that, or a stylist who can help with the latest trend. I never want for anyone, especially someone whom I serve to feel confident with COVERING UP. I want to go deeper, to help every client illuminate who they are, and paint a picture of who they are striving to become. We can all grow, no matter what are role or position is in life.
Your style, fashion, and image should magnify the amazing person who you were created to be. It all begins with the inside, and eventually, that same amazing spirit will show on the outside. When the inside is broken, perhaps dirty and muddy, or even bruised and beaten, well that too will eventually come to the surface. You see, we all have a Personal BRAND, and the questions, while they may seem tedious, are meant to help you understand that WHO YOU ARE is most important and worthy of putting together that PERFECT STYLE, FAMOUS FASHION and IMPECCABLE IMAGE. MODA helps you to do more than look good in an outfit; we want to help bring added value to your life.
Brand is the heart and soul of an individual. It is always changing, it either improves or it declines. Life is an adventure, and you can accomplish so much more than you think. The top of the chain is not the CEO, or the Ultimate Wife, or Mother. The top of the chain is a person who has lived a life that will be missed when they are gone. Personal Brand is all about creating a legacy. Life, Your Life, is too short to just cover it up with fashion and style that may or may not express to the watching world who you are and what you stand for.
Take time, search yourself, and if you need help, call on MODA for direction. Everyone can use a BRAND COACH! Winning is when your inner beauty matches the outside beauty and the world around you is better because of it.
Photo credit: istockphoto.com
Image | Brand | Fashion
Info@modaimageconsulting.com | www.ModaImageConsulting.com
Direct: (615) 218.6831 | Office: (615) 567.6969
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