By: mila
Crisis Always Comes – this is why BRAND building shouldn’t ever stop.
During good and bad times, brand building needs to be the goal – so when the downturn comes, you’re brand is strong, your people know WHO you are, they are CONFIDENT in your ability and you will make it through without too much trouble.
Social media is an incredible TOOL to help build your brand. Use brand stories in order to ADD value without selling. What can you do right now?
1. Have you added your network to your social networks – especially LinkedIn? Clients lists, vendor lists, prospect lists, community lists? If you’re a business or executive, you should have already done this.
2. Use emotional intelligence while posting – STOP SELLING RIGHT NOW. People don’t want the sell – they want peace, consistency and that you’re there.
3. BANKS: What did people want in 2009 from banks? They wanted to know you were confident, prepared, ready – executives needed to be transparent and confident. Words, body language and NOW, social media can help you to do that.
4. TELL YOUR EMPLOYEES WHAT TO SHARE – THEY NEED TO BE SOCIAL, BUT SHARE THE RIGHT STORIES. Don’t share cute kitten posts right now…share transparent real and value adding posts. Community links, positive stories, employee stories etc and USE VIDEO. If you can’t SEE your people right now, THEY CAN STILL SEE YOU AND BE CONNECTED TO YOU.
Need help with any and all of this? CALL US! We want you to thrive.
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