By: mila
BRAND (Reputation) AUDIT – Without this, 2020 will NOT be a success.
Brand is not a LOGO, or a WEBSITE – brand drives everything. Want to win in 2020? Do a brand audit.
What do people really think about you? How is your marketing being perceived? Is it working? Are you marketing for the current year? Are you ready for the next phase of marketing into the future? Are you still only using email newsletter marketing? Are you losing on social? Are you using LinkedIn? (LinkedIn is having a Facebook 2012 moment – don’t miss the boat as an executive or a company).
Don’t change logos because you don’t think they look ‘good.’ Companies FAIL because marketing people sell to THEMSELVES. It’s not about YOU. Your ‘opinion’ doesn’t matter…make decisions based on facts.
What is the brand, who is your audience, why does your logo look like it does? Your brand should breathe LIFE into your logo – your logo doesn’t dictate brand nor should you change it without fully know your brand, what the company goals are and WHY you exist. If you do it before then, you’re guessing and failing.
Audit everything…your vision, mission, values, marketing, strategy, marketing plans, social marketing and brand building – WHY DO YOU EXIST? This is what we tell every marketing and brand team we coach – Once you are certain of that, THEN and only THEN, do you talk about colors and logos.
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