Brand and Truth: One Interpretation – Multiple Applications
Brand and Truth: One Interpretation – Multiple Applications
Brand and branding are two enormous buzz words these days, but for MODA Image and Brand Consulting, these words have been a part of our business for over 7 years. We feel like we are the newest, hottest restaurant in town, and everyone wants to copy our restaurant. People assume if they have the same buzz words, key menu items and similar décor, they will have a great restaurant as well. The reality is only found out after the copycat restaurant has given you something less than the original. Success is not based on buzz words and similar popular terms, but on a proven recipe for success. MODA Image and Brand Consulting is the original, so please tune in and allow me to share some key concepts that you need in order for you or your business to successfully create a Personal and Professional Brand or Corporate Brand that improves the quality of your life and the success of your business.
Brand does not change according to the time of the day, the current season or the present events surrounding your life or business. TRUE BRAND is established in stone, it is the rock of identity and the visual, mental and emotional link which you or your business create with your friends, family, peers, customers, clients and the world around you.
Brand has one clear defining definition, but has multiple applications.
For example, people do not have one brand for dates, another brand for work and a different brand for when you are out and about town. Companies do not have different brands for separate countries or customers they serve, and another for the public. Brand is TRUTH. Truth is not relative or changing and neither is one’s brand. Brand is the DNA of your success and the success of any business. Brand is the heart and soul of a person and organization. Brand defines to the watching world who you are, how you act (Brand filter), what you say and so on. Where you are in life may change, where you are located may change, but your Brand is a constant.
A successful company remembers the Brand that brought them success and they rarely stray from that Brand. Brand can evolve and can even be completely dropped; however, true Brand is constant. Brand has one true interpretation and many applications. Review your Brand and determine if your Brand Filter is working.
If necessary, call MODA Image and Brand Consulting, and we can work together to make BRAND YOU, or your Company Brand, a passageway to true success.
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Image | Brand | Fashion |
Office: (615) 656.4279
Consultations are always complimentary