June 3, 2020
By: mila

Authenticity. A word I have used for myself this year – and one I chose before 2020 started.
I preach that all brands should be authentic – personal and corporate/firm/company. I realized years ago that ones Personal Brand wasn’t a fake story – it was truly WHO people were. My goal was to grow that authentic story, help it to come out, share that person’s value (Because we are all born with great value and great worth), and build stories (True ones), to help share a person’s message.
Before that ‘branding’ process starts, it is important to do a 360 of one’s life. Who you are – truly – authentically…and THEN, do a 360 to see if WHO you are matches what people THINK you are.
The last few days, I have asked myself some tough questions. With all of the strife and pain – I wanted to ensure that when I speak, I am being the real me. Not who others want me to be. Not WHAT others want me to be. Not someone that fits into the popular narrative…but the REAL me.
This is a really good time to do a personal brand audit. We talk about values for all clients – corporate and personal – every human being should have brand values that act as a filter for all that they do, think and say. I have been teaching, coaching and speaking about this for over a decade. If you’ve ever seen me speak, you know this to be true. Audits are important – WHO are we, WHY do we do what we do, HOW do we do what we do. Hearts are messy. Audits are painful. In moments of fear, frustration, anger, judgement, grief – auditing WHY you feel like you do is valuable. If we want to be authentic, we need core values we use as our north stars. Personal Brands are intentionally built. Once that happens, you can share your story, build your brand and value statements, build business and do it all, Authentically.
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