Are you an entrepreneur? READ HERE!
“Seen, Heard, Understood, SOLD’
Entrepreneurs are the foundation of American enterprise and the promise of growth for our economy going forward. The dictionary says that an Entrepreneur is someone who “organizes, operates and assumes the risk for a business venture.” I agree, except they forgot to add in one more sentence. They are also the person responsible for selling their ideas and products. The success is not complete until the sale is made. You can have great ideas, amazing diagrams and patents and a superior business plan, but all of those things mean absolutely nothing when you can’t sell your products or your ideas. Without “The Sale,” there is no success.
In order to sell your ideas and raise capital, sell your products and produce revenue and communicate your brand to your employees, then you better understand the value of a visual aid. Our sales communication is full of visual words. We all have heard someone say, “Don’t tell me, show me” or “Seeing is believing” and “Now I have seen it all.” Of course, the verbal plea for understanding occurs when we hear, “Do you see what I mean?”
Yes my entrepreneurial friends, this is a visual world and the greatest representation of your dreams, your company and your products is YOU. You are a walking billboard, your best advertisement and the first contact point that either creates doubt in you or your product or says, Quality, Value, Trustworthy and BUY ME.
- So tell me, how you are representing your brand when you are at meetings, traveling, sharing your product and selling it to the world at large?
- Does your personal brand complement your business brand?
- How does your professional image complement your company vision?
In the world of business, you better dress the part. Your clothes are always talking what are they telling your clients? I spend hours upon hours with executives, business owner and companies advising them on image and brand. Helping them to understand that if they are not representing their corporate brand by their image alone, then they have already lost and damaged the business. If your brand says trustworthy do your clothes ruin that brand?
If you are not looking your best, then your ideas are not being communicated with the clarity and precision that your success will demand from you. If I have to look past your attire and hope that your ideas and company are better represented than you represent yourself, then you are already working harder than you need to work.
I believe we must learn to WORK SMARTER, not harder. I can show you many people who have put in endless hours, poured in millions of dollars and then failed to present the right package when the CLOSE was so important. The right package for any entrepreneurial company is the entrepreneur.
So while your building the best business plans, getting the patents and creating the products that will fill the needs of your customers; spend some time making certain that your image is the best image you can present. No one pays full price for a car with a dirty outside, and no one buys top dollar for the house with peeling paint and an unkempt yard. You have your ideas and someone else has theirs, and there are so many dollars to be spent, so you better put your best image in front of the bankers, buyers and employees. You are your greatest asset and nothing is truly done until a sale is made. So dress up your image, utilize someone who can help you look your best and make your image a part of the total presentation. Make certain that when you are seen, people want to hear what you have to say. Fashion is not the answer to your success, but not understanding how important it can be to your success adds to the chances of failure.
Call me so I can help you to “Be seen, be heard, be understood and complete the sale.”
Image | Brand | Fashion |
Direct: (615) 218.6831 | Office: (615) 567.6969
Consultations are always complimentary!